Sunday 30 June 2013

On a Rainy Day...

It was a clear evening. There was no Sun smiling midst of clouds, yet there was brightness around. Chill breeze was swaying. My new found fringes were kissing my cheeks and I was enjoying the romantic affair between them as a silent spectator.

As I strode longer and farther, I noticed that the shades of sky were changing, from bright blue to white, then from ash to grey and finally thick grey. And bitty droplets followed.

I hastily opened my umbrella and continued my walk...

Each of my steps reminded me of those days... Those days when I was a budding teenager; with reddish beadlike pimples on face; with hair plaited on both sides...

Each droplet that fell on me tickled the buried, yet unforgotten memories.... Memories of love and happiness...

It kindled his memories...

His tall figure, deep eyes, wavy hair and killer smile started engulfing my memories. I vividly remember everything; each detail...

Was that a decade before, I wonder.

That day when he looked at me after a few years of estrangement... That day when he smiled at me... And that moment when I realized that I am in love...

The phantasmagoria made me nostalgic... A faint smile creaked on my face... I felt like a teenager who is infected by fanatic love.

Then, as the downpour became denser, the breeze passed current of shivers through my body. My eyes welled up when the memories of that day passed through my memories...

How can I ever forget that moment when he talked to me for the first time on a rainy day?

That rainy day when we renewed our friendship... When I fell in love with him all over again... When happiness enwrapped me... When success hooked to me... When life looked vibrant and colorful...

As the intensity of rain started diminishing, his memories also began to fade... Tears started flowing... Where those days of ripe love vanished, I asked myself... I wondered why the first love still brought a smile and droplets of tears at the same time... Why his absence still pricked, I pondered...

May be that’s why they say first love is special, I concluded...

Written as a part of WOW of BlogAdda


  1. Monsoon is special and there are special memories associated with rains and occurrence of rain somewhere makes you nostalgic
